The Top Ten Most Bad Ass Cosplay Villains

darth vader grabbing tits
He's the boss....

The Top Ten Most Bad Ass Cosplay Villains

Every hero needs a counterpoint bad guy or gal. 

Spider Man to Venom.

Superman to Lex Luthor

Batman to Joker. 

Tank Girl to Kesslee.

David Dunn to Mr Glass and that Beast dude.

The problem is, every man and his dog wants to play the hero. It takes a bit of guts (and perhaps a sense of one for the team) to play as the bad guy. 

In the cosplay universe, it's a bit different where all kinds of villains and bad guys are up for cosplay action. 

Here's what I think are the most bad add cosplay villains I've seen. 

Beware the beautiful charms of Poison Ivy!

poison iy cosyplay by Megan maire

A classic Batman villain, Ivy is bad ass in that she uses her seduction tricks to get what she wants, and in doing so, humbles powerful men such as Bruce Wayne. Look for her in the Harley Quinn spin off, Gotham City Sirens.

Here's a certain Street Fighter cosplayer which is bad ass.

Zangief cosplay streetfighter
Any one that does Zangief cosplay must be bad ass
Destro from GI Joe cosplay costume
Destro from GI Joe
Sometimes Evil Sith Lords just wanna party all night long

Megatron and Galvatron? Need we say more? These are two of the most evil bad as robots that ever fired a gun in the Transformers universe.


In the X - Men trilogy, Mystique was portrayed as quite the bad ass - she'd do anything to further the mutant cause. Despite there being a lot of hate for Xmen: The Last Stand, I really enjoyed Mystique's performance, especially her willingness to get the job done at all costs.

cobra-commander cosplay costume
The Hooded Cobra Commander
skeletor masters of the universe cosplay
By the power of purple....

 Any others you think should be added to the list?


Renzie said...

I believe the one noted as a hooded cobra commander is Serpentor. Also a badass GI Joe character.

Renzie said...

The one noted as a hooded cobra commander is Serpentor!