Mario Brothers Wallpaper by Gavin Pence

Gavin Pence is clearly an awesome artist (like other recent discovery Issac Hannaford). He's designed a Mario Brothers artwork which I think would just be perfect to use as PC wallpaper:

Featured on the pages of Kotaku, it's apparently called 'Marioseses' and he designed in for his Missus. Bless.

Gavin's about page says "I’m Gavin Spence, a 28 year old human male from Coatbridge in Scotland. I’ve decided to shine the spotlight on my artwork somewhat – in the hope that folks will enjoy it and hopefully commission some work! Who knows." Some one give the man a job!

To make all your Mario into wallpaper, you probably simply need to right click and select the option, else more full instructions can be found at the Gears of War 3 Wallpaper page!

Now go rescue a princess from a dragon or something!

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