Wondercon Cosplay Heroes and Villains

super heroines babes supergirl
Super babes

Wondercon Cosplay Heroes and Villains

Backbreaker Bane
Cable from Xmen!
captain america cosplay
Captain America

Darth Vader was the most quotable bad guy ever!

Female Magneto

Justice League?

Cobra Commander cosplay

Chewbecca and friends celebrate St patricks day
It's all about the Wookie!

judge dredd cosplay
Mario and the Princess and Luigi

penguin cosplay

planet of the apes cosplay

Harley Quin and Poison Ivy

power girl
Power Girl

Images wonderfully taken by Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub


Doug said...

It's not bishop from X-men is Cable from x-men totally different character =))

Jimmy Jangles said...

Awesome, and fixed. Thanks for your help!