The Weapons of Halo Reach
The new Halo Reach xbox game is one last chance for the Boys of Bungie to dip their toes into the Halo universe and have a little fun - in a desire to be innovative and ahead of the pack of popular games such as Modern Combat and Gears of War, Bungie appears to be throwing two kitchen sinks into the game - check out the effort that has gone into the 'sandbox' of Reach Weapons:
Human based Weapons
Magnum - much loved in CE, much hated in H3
The Magnum will take down a fully shielded player, from start to finish, almost twice as quickly as the DMR will. Bungie have noted there’s some big caveats.
Assault Rifle
Pepper your enemies with bullets at mid range. Bungie have said that "ultimately the choice between the Assault Rifle and the Magnum may come down to personal preference, play style, and the situation you happen to find yourself in."
The Pro Pipe
The Grenade Launcher, or “Pro Pipe” is also a weapon you’ll want to spend some quality time with. If you point and shoot with a single pull of the trigger, you’ll send an explosive round out into the world. If it hits your target dead on, it will explode. If it bounces, it’ll arm much like a frag and explode after a short spell. It sounds like the player will be able to use this weapon quite tactically compared to say the old Brute Shot.
The Sniper Rifle
Covenant Weapons
The Focus Rifle
Probably this rifle's name is going to be the but of many pun based jokes. The focus rifle takes the Sentinel Beam and the old school Beam Rifle and combines the two weapon’s traits for some deliciously deadly peanut butter and chocolate type death dealing action. On other words, pain.
Here we have the plasma repeater. I repeat, it's a plasma gun. The Repeater is, essentially, the Assault Rifle’s counterpart, but it’s a little too effective for use in campaign. So when you’re in that space, you’ll likely see Elites utilizing the Plasma Rifle you’re already familiar with.
Plasma Launcher
The rounds will track both infantry and vehicles, but don’t freak out, the magnetism is more akin to the Needler than it is the Missile Pod. Vehicles are much easier to hit, given their size, but if you play it right, you can affix an explosive round to some poor sucker’s face. It's the new sticky bomb!
The Needle Rifle
“The Needle Rifle is the Covenant’s answer to the DMR weapon. It’s a medium-to-long range weapon with powerful anti-shield damage. It’s faster and more accurate than the DMR, but doesn’t have the same stopping power. It’s a Blamite! super-combining weapon (three shots to an unshielded body) that can also score headshots.”
Plasma Pistol
A classic halo weapon - The Type 25 Pistol (or T25 DEP) is more commonly identified as the Plasma Pistol. This small directed energy weapon has two modes of fire: semi-automatic direct and semi-guided AOE. The secondary AOE mode drastically reduces battery life.
It's important to note the descriptions of these weapons and their operation is based on how Bungie has geared them to work in the forth coming beta test - and as such a liable to be changed by shipping date.
I love reach.
The campaign for Reach is going to be great, however what got my attention was the online multiplayer. I like how they incorporated the finishing move/assassination into the game-play; it really makes you feel like your in control. The weapons are outstanding and if you haven't played the beta yet it's sick! I think that the armor abilities are great, but somebody will probably complain about it... You cant please everyone, but all in all this will be an amazing gaming experience. Another Job well done, thank you Bungie.
Reach makes my day... All day... Everyday...
Reach is cool, can't wait, miss duel wielding... it was just my thing ya know
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